20 products


Discover our stunning collection of hand-painted sneakers, featuring a diverse array of styles and designs to suit every taste. Each pair is meticulously crafted to add a unique touch of artistry to your footwear collection. Explore our range and step into creativity today!



Our custom sneakers are a labor of love created by a dedicated couple in our in-house workshop. We ensure each pair of sneakers is crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail.

Quality over Quantity

While other companies may prioritize mass production and quick turnaround times, we prefer to take the time with each pair of customs to ensure that each item we create is made to the highest standard.

Always Authentic

We make sure we source all our “base” models from reliable sources ensuring the items you order from us are 100% genuine versions of themselves. Purchase receipts from each pair we work on could be obtained from us if needed.